
Millennial’s Top Beauty Brands

Millenial Beauty Brands

Today’s youth is shaping the world as per their radical and ambitious perspective. The ideas like sustainable growth, eco-friendly, and minimalism have gained widespread recognition from the past 5-7 years. The millennials beauty brands of today is making trends that are worth giving consideration. Ideologies that promote growth for all and a perspective that involves using as much as needed are taking over the age-old perceptions of beauty and fashion too. 

Here, I am listing down the top five beauty brands that are worth giving consideration, and also a place in our lifestyle,

1. FAE (Free and Equal Beauty)


FAE beauty has a motive and voice that is unique and quite different from the beauty brands that we are used to seeing in the Indian markets. The voice of FAE directly speaks to the customer on the grounds of skin tone, and gender neutrality, A brand that has no intentions of earning from other people’s insecurities, FAE is building its own niche market in this world of beauty products. Though FAE has released only some products up till now, I personally hope to see more of it in the market. With amazing packaging and a vibrant motto, FAE beauty is stealing the hearts of the millennials beauty brands.

2. Daughter Earth


The brand was established in the unprecedented times of the widespread virus- coronavirus. Daughter earth offers a plethora of products with the motive of taking care of the planet along with meeting the beauty needs of the customer. The brand is specifically a skincare brand and provides products that are vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainable in character. An affordable brand with a great perspective, Daughter earth offers inclusivity along with the sustainability.

3. Dot & Key


A brand that you might have seen every influencer endorsing. Dot & key checks all the boxes when it comes to millennial beauty brands. It is versatile, understands, and provides a solution to millennial needs, and is highly vibrant. A brand that has a modern-day beauty formula, Dot & key could be just the right makeup product that you would need with you. This brand covers a gap in the beauty product range with its outgoing product chemical formulation, moreover classic and vibrant packaging is always an add-on.

4. ENN Closet


I have always found it extremely boring in terms of packaging and other radars when it comes to natural beauty brands. Hands down natural brands are the best when it comes to skincare or any other beauty-related scenario, but we have to admit that they are a bit mundane. So, presenting to you the vibrant skincare range from enn closet, a beauty brand that provides all-natural products but with a twist. Splendid fragrances, exhilarating packaging, colorful demeanor. Enn closet is a must-have brand in your beauty regime.

5. Nuskay


The brand as its name suggests is authentic and is highly recommended for Indian skin. The brand is working on developing its own niche for the Indian skin market. Nuskay was launched by a doctor and sibling duo who went ahead on a journey to have more inclusivity towards Indian skin in the beauty market. The chemical formulations are tested and are highly interesting. A brand that I would personally recommend to people who are interested in dermatologically tested skincare products. A great beauty brand with a great brand motto.

The beauty world has evolved, and everyone is trying to look at more inclusivity in terms of skin color, gender, and other aspects of humanity. The dynamic nature of society which is led by the youth of the country is getting aware of what to purchase and apply on our skin, and thus the beauty brands are evolving according to their needs. 

So go ahead and try these amazing beauty brands…

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